GE Center, TMU

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General education is the foundation and soul of university education. Our university upholds the medical and humanity education core value that “to learn to be a doctor, one first needs to learn to be a decent person”, and aims to develop characteristic liberal arts and general education.
We stand at the frontier of our time and aim to equip students with the knowledge to explore and ability to look forward to the future, to help students accumulate knowledge and abilities for tomorrow’s selves and to pursue the humanitarian spirit perfecting oneself and others through learning. Our goal is to inspire students to 
achieve their full potential and become “a medical talent with humanitarian concerns, the capacity for innovation, and global vision”.
The Center for General Education is a college-level academic unit that comprises five teaching units, including 
Section of Liberal ArtsLanguage Center, Section of Physical EducationCenter for Arts and Humanities, and Center for Reflective Writing.

【I'm here】
Office of the Center for General Education, 4th floor Xing-chun Building

Manager 1. Name: Shie, Shu-Lin 
2. Responsibilities:
 (1) Assist Dean of Center in Planning and Promotion of School Affairs
 (2) Inter-departmental communicate and coordination and administrative services.
 (3) Function integration of college's administration, finance, research and other related resources.
 (4) Planning large-scale event within university and College of Management and funding management.
 (5) Center space management.
 (6) Promote and manage the international affairs for center.
 (7) Manage and supervise administrative quality, conferences, laws, and regulations in the school.
 (8) Review essential documents submitted by the institute total departments, confirm the correctness
         and completeness of procedures, forms, and attachments.
    (9) Schedule planning for Dean of Center.

3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 2660
1. Name:Chang, Yu-Chen 
2. Responsibilities
 (1) Managing in various of administrative operations in College of Management.
 (2) Inter-departmental communication and coordination.
 (3) Comprehensive management of various center meetings.
 (4) Office management (documents, applications, purchases, maintenance, part-time
         student management).
 (5) Assist in academic lectures and seminars.
 (6) College budget funding, write-off.
 (7) WebMaster
3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 6702


Project Assistant

1. Name: Chen, Chin-Hua
2. Responsibilities: Promote and manage the Higher Education Sprout Projects for center.
3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 2677

Project Assistant

1. Name: Chen, Chian-Yi
2. Responsibilities: Promote and manage the Higher Education Sprout Projects for center.
3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 2683

Project Assistant
1. Name: 
2. Responsibilities: Promote and manage the Project on an Issue-Oriented Approach to Narrative
    Competence Development Across Disciplines for center.

3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 2674
Project Assistant  
1. Name: 
2. Responsibilities: Promote and manage the Project on an Issue-Oriented Approach to Narrative
    Competence Development Across Disciplines for center.
3. Email:
4. Extension Number: 2674