你是否曾想過用英文與海外好友分享你家鄉的新年習俗? 或者你對世界各地的新年慶祝方式感到好奇?
不論是與家人團聚享用豐盛年夜飯、燃放璀璨的煙火 ,還是收紅包討吉利 ,如果你喜歡分享節慶文化,那就千萬別錯過我們的 ETC (English True Corner) 活動!
日期與時間:2025年3月20日(星期四),12:15 – 12:50 pm(12:00開始報到,餐點有限,額滿為止!)
地點:杏春樓1樓 i10教室
單字 Vocabulary
- Glutinous rice cake (年糕) – 寓意「年年高升」,象徵事業步步高升。(Represents “rising year by year,” symbolizing career growth and success.)
- Turnip cake (蘿蔔糕) – 台語「蘿蔔糕」諧音「好彩頭」,象徵好運。(In Taiwanese, “turnip cake” sounds like “good fortune,” symbolizing luck.)
- Sticky rice balls (湯圓) – 圓形象徵「團圓」,代表家人和樂幸福。(The round shape symbolizes “reunion,” representing family togetherness and happiness.)
- Dumplings (餃子) – 象徵財富,因為形狀像元寶。(Symbolizes wealth, as their shape resembles ancient Chinese gold ingots.)
- Longevity noodles (長壽麵) – 麵條不能切斷,代表長壽與健康,寓意長命百歲。(The noodles should not be cut, representing longevity and health, wishing for a long life.)
片語 Phrases
- Setting off firecrackers -放鞭炮
- Playing Mahjong -打麻將
- Watching the New Year’s Gala -看春晚
- Give red envelopes (to children and younger relatives) – 發紅包(給孩子和晚輩)
- Paste spring couplets on doors – 貼春聯在門上
- Stay up late on New Year’s Eve (Shou Sui) – 除夕夜守歲
句子 Sentences
- It is believed that staying up late on New Year’s Eve will bring longevity to parents. 傳說守歲可以讓父母長壽。
- The family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve is the most important meal of the year. 除夕的團圓飯是全家人一年中最重要的一餐。
- Firecrackers are set off at midnight to scare away evil spirits and welcome the new year. 人們會在午夜燃放鞭炮來驅趕邪靈,迎接新年。
- It’s a tradition to give red envelopes filled with money to children for good luck.傳統上,會給孩子紅包,希望他們好運滿滿。
- People paste spring couplets with auspicious words on their doors to bring good fortune. 人們在門上貼上寫有吉祥話的春聯,以帶來好運。