GE Center, TMU



Category Title Date
News 【Journal Call for Papers】 Hualien Xiulin Township Office: Taroko Cultural Publications Publication Project
News 【Conference】Intersections and Relations: The 5th International Conference on Asian American and Asian British Literary and Cultural Studies
News 【National Taiwan Museum of Art Education】: Call for Arts and Arts Creation Submissions from the Ministry of Education
News 【Information】1082 semester general education course of  first week &second week 
News [workshop] Nanhua University
News Hot 【通識自主學習】1082通識自主學習說明
News 【Call for papers】2020 NPTU Conference on Foreign Language Education and Culture
News 【Call for papers】明志科大:第三屆通識教育學術研討會
News 【Call for papers】Monumenta Taiwanica
News 【Call for papers】國立臺北商業大學:2020通識教育「里山.科技.環境-永續經營」研討會
News 【Information】國立臺灣師範大學:「防疫總動員,大家《藝》起來」免費網路課程EDM
News Hot 【校際競賽】2020 臺北醫學大學程式設計競賽-視覺化創意程式類/創新應用程式類
News 【Information】客家委員會:109年客語能力初級認證
News 【Call for papers】Exploring New Horizons: 2020 International Conference on Global Trends in Teaching and Learning Innovations
News 【校外活動】國立中央大學 :2020TIBE台北國際書展《文化脈絡中的數學》