GE Center, TMU

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Center for Reflective Writing

Although reflective writing is one of the many methods of writing, research has pointed out that reflective writing is an important medium for professional development. The cultivation of reflective writing ability is closely related to the fostering of academic ability. How to organize the process of self-thinking and how to integrate experience, resources, and self-reflection is one of the fundamental abilities that one must acquire in order to complete a university education.
As the teaching unit that researches, develops, and promotes reflective writing teaching, the Center for Reflective Writing endeavors to develop research on teaching theory, research on and advancement of teaching methods, the training of teaching assistants, and the promotion of education within and outside of the university.
Reflection can help medical professionals to examine their beliefs and values, process their emotions, make difficult critical decisions, solve social conflicts, execute clinical skills, and discover their self-worth. Reflection has been listed as one of the professional abilities that are necessary for medical students to develop.
To assist students in the development of the ability and the habit to reflect, our university has been developing long-term longitudinal reflective teaching since 2006. Reflective teaching is not only integrated into the general education curriculum for junior students, but has also been expanded into professional courses and clinical internships. We continue to collaborate and create across colleges and with teachers from interdisciplinary fields in order to build a comprehensive reflective teaching environment. Currently, the characteristic teachings that are being continuously developed include: technical reflection, body learning and reflection, and emotion and reflection. 

【I’m here】
Office of the Center for Reflective Writing, 3rd floor Xing-Chun Building

Job title: Professor
Name: Lin, Wen-Chi
Office phone number: 2666


Job title: Secretary
Name: Chen, Wen-Hong
Office phone number: 2666