GE Center, TMU


【Announcement】Outward visit NAFSA 2024

  • 2024-06-07
  • 中心秘書

【Announcement】Outward visit NAFSA 2024

Source: Office of Global Engagement

Published on 2024-06-03

Date 2024-05.28 – 05.31
Location New Orleans, United States
Event NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo
Participant(s) from TMU Lillian Li, Chief of Global Initiatives Section, Office of Global Engagement
Purpose of the visit To promote short-term exchange programs at TMU

Maintaining and expanding relationships with international universities

Enhancing the international reputation of the university

Details of the Event
  • The 2024 NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo in New Orleans, LA celebrates international education and global leadership with the theme “Resilience. Renewal. Community.”
  • FICHET led a delegation of 40 representatives from 20 Taiwanese universities to the expo, aiming to expand cooperation between Taiwanese and U.S. higher education institutions.
  • The 2024 Taiwan-U.S. Higher Education Symposium on May 29 marked the third consecutive year of this event, fostering discussions on Mandarin education and recent cooperation projects to enhance mutual understanding and collaboration.
  • At the Taiwan Night networking event, 150 attendees from 30 universities, including Taiwanese representatives and global partners, engaged in discussions to strengthen bilateral friendships.
  • At the Taiwan-Czech Networking Event on May 28, representatives from 12 Taiwanese and 8 Czech universities met to discuss collaboration opportunities.
Outcome(s) of the Visit
  1. TMU engaged with nearly 20 institutions to enhance international cooperation and promote short-term programs.
  2. At the 2024 Taiwan-U.S. Higher Education Symposium, future collaboration in the medical field was explored with LSU Health New Orleans and other institutions.
  3. During the Taiwan Night networking event, discussions were conducted with Mahidol University, a TMU partner, regarding future bilateral collaboration.
  4. At the Taiwan-Czech Networking Event, short-term courses and potential EU Erasmus collaborations were shared with Czech Technical University in Prague, Palacky University Olomouc, and Masaryk University.