

【語言中心】111.11.04(五) 國際觀講座:你值得得國際級薪水-如何提升國際競爭及移動力 (英文演說.中文互動)

  • 2022-11-01
  • 中心秘書
I will talk about the various factors that can make you successful in your career as a Taiwanese professional either in Taiwan or overseas. Generally this will address cross-culture differences that you should be aware of and I will give advice about how to improve in these different areas. I’ll also touch on the different experiences I’ve had as a senior level recruiter and what lessons I’ve learned. Also giving you some insight about what a headhunter does and the most important things to think about when trying to grow a successful career.

   Advice to aspiring Taiwanese professionals: How to improve international competitiveness and mobility
主講:Alan McIvor  (英籍獵頭/換日線作家)
Alan McIvor 是蘇格蘭獵頭顧問,自 2009 年開始常駐台灣。他的學術背景為國際政治及歷史,專業領域則較聚焦於與台灣市場有關的商業主題。現任保萊德集團的業務執行主管,專長台灣市場的工作文化與招聘業務,經常在全台各大學擔任講師和主題演講者。
時間:111.11.04(五) 12:00-13:00 (11:50開放報到)
地點:醫學綜合大樓後棟一樓 語文教室2  (電梯旁)


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最後修改時間:2022-10-27 PM 1:52